For the first time in the history AI Robot will defend a human in the court! According to the reports the AI Robot will be defending a human next month in the court. Who invented this robot? How it will work? Will it be successful? Let’s read and find out in this blog!

Who made this?
The idea of a robot lawyer comes from the company DoNotPay, founded in 2015 by Joshua Browder. Joshua Browder launched the DoNotPay in 2015 as a chatbot that provides legal advice to people dealing with fines, late fees, and parking tickets, but the company pivoted to AI in 2020.
Since its launch, the app has spread across the UK and US it’s helping users to write letters and dealing with a range of issues such as insurance claims, complaint letters to a local authority or business, applying for tourist visas, and more.

How “AI LAWYER ROBOT” works?
As per a report, the world’s first robot lawyer will run on the defendant’s smartphone through an app called ‘DoNotPay’ and listen to court arguments in real time, telling the defendant what to say via earpiece.
Next month this AI Robot will defending a human. But the makers of the robot lawyer are not disclosing the court’s location or the defendant’s name.
Will these AI Robots replace lawyers?
Now the question is that will lawyers be replaced by these AI Robots? I think YES! Because AI is the future of the world. As I have written this before in a blog. You can read that by CLICKING HERE. According to the reports in next 20-30 years almost all things will be replaced by AI due the technological advancements. Next month we will be able to see that how much successful is this “AI Robot Lawyer.”What do you think do let me know in the comment section!
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