Just imagine if everything made of plastic completely disappeared from your life. Everything! This mobile phone,laptops and many other items! Today plastic has became an important substance in our life as food. But as important it is as it is dangerous! A recent report came which said that microplastic has been found in our blood! But how plastic became too much important in our life? Can we remove plastic from our life now? Let’s read and find it out

How Plastic became important?
Plastic is made of polymer. And when it was invented, it was necessary and quite revolutionary product! Because things made from Plastic today were made from animal products earlier which were expensive and rare! So there was a need for material that is cheap durable and easily available.

Invention of Plastic
In 1862, Alexander Parke of London simply wanted to make a synthetic product that could work for waterproofing. He dissolved in nitric and sulphur acids then mixed with vegetable oil. And this was the entry of plastic into the world! After this a lot of research and inventions took place. Then Dr. Lei Baekland gave the world’s first pure made of synthetic plastic “Bakelite“.
And from here started the modern plastic industry! After this invention kept happening, and this material became more cheap and available.
How plastic became dangerous?
The Plastic has became dangerous as it does not decompose fast and earlier humans where in habit of using and throwing. Example: Earlier humans where in habit of using the things and throwing the garbage anywhere. Which was not a major problem at that time as most of the garbage was biodegradable like vegetable waste and the metals were recycled.

And due to this habit the plastic started piling up in the environment. Due to this it has became a problem!

The Dangerous Plastic
Just in 100 years, plastic has became a global crisis! And due to this many problems are occurring.
The very first problem is its pollution. Plastic is a big contributor to land and water pollution. Because it cannot get decomposed so it keeps piling up in rivers and oceans leading to the destruction of marine life, landfills fill up and this plastic stays there.

The 2nd big problem is deforestation. Because the modern day plastic is made up of petrol due to which many green house gases are also emitted. This means that more forests would cut down to make more plastic.
The 3rd and adverse effects are being seen in human health. Because we are consuming water and food in plastic, microplastics are going inside us! Due to its harmful chemicals are causing cancer and reproductive problems in humans.
The Solutions
Realistically, you can do nothing about plastic pollution! It is involved so much today in our day to day life. Like phones, laptops are made of plastic now you can’t throw them away. Basically there is no solution for this but has a precaution “Lifestyle Change”. We should avoid it.
Try to use those plastics that could be recycled ♻️. Scientists claim that we already have so much plastic if recycled properly we might not need to produce any more.
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